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Galaxy Golden Milk

December 15, 2020

This recipe is so simple and truly perfect. Turmeric and Ginger have powerful anti-inflammatory properties, and Golden Milk is a traditional Ayurvedic Tonic. 


The key to this is using fresh turmeric and fresh ginger ~ the flavor is so much more subtle, beautiful and smooth using the fresh roots!






2” x 1” fresh ginger root
2” x 1” fresh turmeric root
1 cup raw cashews
1 cup water
1 tsp vanilla
sea salt
fresh ground pepper
date syrup + oat milk optional


Take about 2” of each root and remove the peel.
If you are using a vitamix, just rinse the cashews. If you are using a regular blender, soak them overnight.
Put cashews, ginger, turmeric, vanilla, water, some ground pepper and a tiny bit of sea salt in the vitamix or blender. Blend on high until very creamy (about a minute)
Store in a jar in the fridge. It will harden to a thick cream.
This is your Golden Milk Concentrate and will last about a week. 




When you are ready to make a cup, put 1/4 cup of the concentrate in a sauce pan (Very heaping spoonful is about 1/4 cup once it thickens). Add 2/3 cup water and 1/3 cup oat milk to the pan (Can use 1 cup water without oat milk if desired, the oat milk makes it creamier). Add 1 tsp date syrup, and bring to a simmer. Simmer for 5 minutes, stirring constantly, until it starts to steam heavily. 

Pour into a cup :) 

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