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Why Everyday Oil Was in My Hospital Bag ~

September 06, 2018 1 Comment

My Birth Story with Everyday Oil

~ Katherine Perretta

I was first introduced to Everyday Oil when a friend brought a bottle with her on vacation in the French Alps. The smell...the feel….it was exactly what I needed to begin a basically non-existent skincare routine. I rubbed it on my face after a long day and drifted peacefully to sleep.  When I woke up in the morning and looked in the mirror, my face was dewy and soft. I. Was. Hooked.

Two months later- I unwrap my first package of Everyday Oil the day after moving back to America from overseas.  I’m jet lagged, stressed, and 8 months pregnant. I am patting myself on the back for thinking ahead and placing my order so it would be waiting for me when I arrived.  I rubbed it all over my face and started making breakfast for my 4 year old.

I was using Everyday Oil every single day...but only on my face.  I use it to remove makeup, to wash my face, and to moisturize day and night.  It is really the only product I felt comfortable putting on my skin during pregnancy.  

Flash forward again.  One November morning, I had an appointment at my midwives’ office.  This time, I had to see an OBGYN so they could assess my chances of having a successful vaginal birth after c-section. I remember sitting in my car crying after they told me that I had less than a 40% chance of a successful VBAC.  The doctor even said “do you really want a c-section scar AND a torn vagina.” No probably not, but I was determined to deliver this baby naturally.

I started researching Perineal Massage.  Perineal massage assists in opening the birth canal to prepare for a natural birth.  If done while pregnant, it can help a mama avoid tearing, stitches and an episiotomy.  The idea is that you are gently stretching the skin around your vagina and anus. It makes total sense and it can’t hurt to try.   

You can find easily find tons of information online about performing a perineal massage.  I always start with a warm bath to relax and hydrate the skin. Then I use Everyday Oil all over and begin the massage.  The Everyday Oil allows for the movements to feel more comfortable. It also hydrates and softens the skin to make it more stretchy during childbirth.  I could already tell a difference just after a few massages. My perineum was more supple and flexible.

I am not exaggerating when I say that Everyday Oil changed my life.  I was able to have a healthy, baby girl completely naturally with minimal tearing and no episiotomy.  I continued to put Everyday Oil on my female anatomy to aid in healing. I was back to normal in less than 6 weeks with very little pain or discomfort.  

I now use Everyday Oil every single day for every single thing.  It cleared my older daughter’s eczema. It helps my husband’s razor burn.  It made my c-section scar disappear. I wear less makeup. It travels with us everywhere we go.  And Oh the smell- it instantly transports me back to that vacation in France and is there really anything better than that?  

1 Response


September 07, 2018

Beautiful. It hadn’t occurred to me to use even after labor to aid in healing. Thank you for sharing!

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